Special Needs Dentist Chicago
Children and adults with special needs are unique in their own ways. Some children with special needs may require extra attention.
Special needs children may have symptoms can affect their teeth in many ways including how their teeth will grow, how calcium in enamel s layered in the tooth’s enamel, how much saliva builds up in the mouth, and how often the child is able to eat. With all of the symptoms and special treatment that may be required, you may ask when is the best time to visit the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists
recommends children with special needs should visit a dentist 6 months after their first tooth comes in. They also recommend no later 12 months, if you would like to wait a little while. Pediatric dentists are specially trained for 2 to 3 years after dental school to handle patients with these symptoms. Here are some very helpful tips for challenges with brushing the child’s teeth. - You do not have to brush only in the bathroom
- You may brush you child’s teeth with their head in your lap so you can see the teeth better.
- Keep the child occupied while brushing.
- Let the child “teeth” or chew on the toothbrush to get used to it.
Adults with special needs are just as important as children with special needs when it comes to their dental care. Like children, special needs adults may have symptoms that can alter the way to care for their teeth. Here are some tips for adults with special needs.
- Eat Well! Eat foods such as fruits and vegetables to reduce the rtisk of tooth decay
- Clean Well! Brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day to reduce plaque buildup.
- Drink Well! Drink plenty of water and not so much sweet, or sugary drinks.
If you have any questions about dentistry for children with special needs, feel free to contact us at
or visit us at dentistry4children.net
1721 North Halsted Avenue Chicago, Ilinois 60614